Industrial Ovens
NSW India manufactures a wide range of industrial ovens and industrial furnaces with a vast variety of load sizes and production volumes. NSW India go to great lengths to move our products to market faster, providing short lead times and quick delivery.
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This is a belt conveyor oven consisting of various zones where in, variable/same temperature can be maintained in different zones of the oven. Common or individual control panel can be provided on each zone. Air circulation for uniform temperature is provided by fans/blowers in each zone. The jobs are placed on the belt on loading side of the oven & unloaded from the other side.
These ovens are especially designed for the applications where the clean air and the proper ventilation are required. The product is placed inside the oven on the shelves of the trolleys for the Testing, baking or curing of electrical & electronic parts, liquid painted parts, Pharmaceutical & food products, etc. The temperature ranges from a few degrees above the ambient temperature to 180 degree C. The standard sizes range from 50 cu ft to 170 cu ft. The panel is mounted on one side of the oven or can be stand alone panel. Insulation of up to 100 MM is provided to minimize the heat losses during operation.
These ovens are incorporated with round discs, which rotate with the help of a drive unit. An automatic pneumatic door with timer/sensor is provided to close/open the door after a specified time to minimize the heat losses during loading & unloading of material on to the disc. The disc carrying these products rotates inside the oven and after completing the cycle time the products and remove from the oven. These discs can be in many layers one over the other as per the need/requirement. The top of disc is either metallic or non metallic depending on the product to be processed. The rotation is intermittent or can be variable in case of continuous movement. These kind of systems are very useful for smaller product and save a lot of space & power.
This is a specialized conveyor oven for the product which needs to be turned during the heating process. This system consists of minimum two (2) tiers of conveyor systems and can go up to any number of conveyors one beneath the other. Loading and un loading can be at the same side or in the opposite sides depending on the customers requirement. This kind of system is most appropriate for the processes like drying & roasting of dry fruits, vegetables, bread crumbs, etc.
This is a conveyor oven similar to above one having high temperature inside the zones. The air circulation is done by powerful blowers to extract the heat and to maintain uniform temperature across the different zones.
These ovens are specially engineered to operate on exceptionally high temperatures up to 550 degree C with high uniformity. They are suitably design for continuous, long rugged use applications. These ovens are accompanied with shelves on which the product is placed inside the oven for annealing, tempering, baking of non stick coatings, metals, knives, moulds, etc. The sizes range from 3 cub ft. to 64 cub ft. The control panel is mounted on right hand side of the oven. The walls of oven are insulated with super quality mineral wool as heat insulator to minimize the heat losses. Depending upon the temperature range is the thickness varies from 150 MM to 250MM.
This is an oven where in treatment of the products is done in presence of an inert Gas (Nitrogen) for preventing any oxidation at the surface of the products.
The heating is provided through heating elements. The specially designed lock and doors ensure any leakage from the oven.
The oven is fitted with rota-meters, valves and other necessary controls & items.
Infrared radiant heat energy has many of the properties same as that of electromagnetic wave energy. These waves travel in straight line and are absorbed or reflected by matter and can be focused or dispersed by lenses or prism. The Infrared waves will flood the area around it with radiant energy effecting quick rise in the temperature. The absorption of radiant waves is an inherent property of any substance, which leads to the possibility of many different application, which are not open to other forms of heating. For instance infrared ray heating is best suited for 3 dimensional items as the absorption of radiation increases the temp. in a uniform fashion. Infrared rays are available in short wavelength, medium wavelength or long wavelength and its selection depends upon the property of jobs, temperature required and curing time. NSW designs infrared heating systems for process temperature up to 350°C.
Infrared radiant heat energy has many of the properties same as that of electromagnetic wave energy. These waves travel in straight line and are absorbed or reflected by matter and can be focused or dispersed by lenses or prism. The Infrared waves will flood the area around it with radiant energy effecting quick rise in the temperature.
The conveyor travels on floor level on the floor mounted track and carry the jobs on jigs. The rotation of jigs on its own axis can be offered either manually or automatically. The oven is supplied with oil fired heat exchanger and high power blower. The system can also to provided with electrical heating elements and achieving temperature variation from zone to zone.
The jobs are hanged at a comfortable height through hangers on the conveyor to pass through tunnel type oven. The conveyor can be chosen from 3 wheel with T-track, 4 wheel conveyor or I beam conveyor. The jigs / fixture are designed for product to product and NSW reveal its expertise for the same. The oven is supplied with oil fired heat exchanger and high power blower. The system can also be provided with electrical heating elements and temperature variation from zone to zone.
This is a specialized conveyor oven for the product which needs to be turned during the heating process. This system consists of minimum two (2) tiers of conveyor systems and can go up to any number of conveyors one beneath the other. Loading and un loading can be at the same side or in the opposite sides depending on the customers requirement. This kind of system is most appropriate for the processes like drying & roasting of dry fruits, vegetables, bread crumbs, etc.